Responsible Capital An ESG Loans insight report Chart 3 Chart 5 Type of margin adjustments by region Type of margin adjustments in Asia-Pacific 1 Type of margin adjustment 7 in Europe Increase 17 Type of margin adjustment Reduction in Asia-Pacific 11 Both 7 2 17 1 4+69+27+F Increase Reduction Both Chart 4 Our data shows a significant regional difference between Type of margin adjustments in Europe the types of Margin adjustment in Europe compared to Asia-Pacific. In Europe, a two-way Margin adjustment seems to have become the standard for SLLs, whereas a one-way downward Margin adjustment seems to be the 2 norm in Asia-Pacific. Increase As mentioned previously, the SLLPs do not require a Reduction two-way Margin adjustment. However, based on our data Both set it appears that lenders in Europe have been quicker to take a harder line on this issue than their counterparts in Asia-Pacific. 11 0+16+84+F We expect that two-way Margin adjustments will become standard in Asia-Pacific soon, and there are indications that the market is starting to move that way already. As our data set grows, we hope to track these breakdowns by region and sector more deeply to provide further insights. 04

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